Everyone spends the occasional evening alone – maybe your partner is out of town, or you’re a busy mum who dreams of a day or two to do whatever you want. There’s nothing wrong with being alone and having a drink, as long as it’s not every night and you’re not actively avoiding other people.

So, you’ve got the evening to yourself and you fancy a drink, but you’re worried about how it’ll feel; are you a bit sad? Do you have a problem? The answer is probably no, but there are ways to enhance the solo-drinking experience further so that you turn it into something classy.

Listen to some new music

This should absolutely not be break-up music or anything notoriously depressing. Try listening to someone’s new album, or an entirely new genre and really try to get into it. That artist everyone’s been telling you to listen to for years – now’s the time.

Try a different drink

Don’t just take to the sofa with a six-pack or a cuddly bottle of red, try something new. This doesn’t mean shopping for agave syrup and obscure Chilean spirits, just try crushing some raspberries into your Cava, or that weird red wine hot chocolate combo that has been touted in recent months.

Make sure you have some snacks

When we have company over for a drink, we get all artistic with the blinis and the bruschetta, right? When we’re alone, it’s pyjamas and a bowl of M&Ms (don’t deny this). Up your solo snack game and try some new bites – maybe try out some new blini toppings and really concentrate on what you’re doing.

Notice what you’re drinking

If you’re mixing a new cocktail or trying a new red with a view to making a bulk order, drink it in an investigative way. Take notice of what it actually tastes like – even make notes if you need to. It’s for research purposes, right?

Avoid social media

It’s tempting to go onto Facebook or Instagram after a couple of drinks, but don’t. There’s always the risk of looking up your high school sweetheart or nemesis and letting rip after all those years.

Just don’t.